Engleski jezik


    ...smirujući glas...

    Opis glasa:
    Uvjerljiv, čvrst


    standard & nothern English, britanski

    Starost glasa:
    srednja dob

    Radno iskustvo:
    Školska knjiga, Profil, Alfa, Končar, T-Com, Franck

    Glasovne vještine:
    Spanish, French, German, Turkish, Welsh, Chinese (Pilyin)

    Sviđa vam se kako zvuči Andy?

    A "tram" voice

    Andy Tomlinson was born in England in the 1950s. In his late teens he appeared on the London stage as a member of the National Youth Theatre of Great Britain. As an amateur actor, he has received positive reviews in the national press of all 3 countries he has lived in: the UK, Guatemala and Croatia.
    He began doing voice work in 2000, the year he moved to Croatia. Since then he has recorded educational audio for all the major schoolbook publishers (Školkska knjiga, Profil, Alfa, Klett) and done commercial work for T-com, Vip, Franck, Kraš, Pivac and others, recording regularly for Končar.
    His voice has been heard on the radio and in trams, and it continues to play in classrooms and on the internet. Andy is a keen linguist, specialising in pronunciation. He is therefore competent to handle scripts containing foreign names and vocabulary from many languages.